
Cops Fired Without Warning on Procession, Say J&K Pellet Victims

“Two patients have serious eye injuries and have to undergo specialised treatment,” said Dr Nazir Chaudhary.

The aunt of Suhail Ahmad, 18, sheds silent tears when her thumb and index finger pull apart the bruised lids of his left eye. Her hand shivers to touch the scary, bluish-red skin dotted by tiny red pockmarks from the impact of pellets.

“Most of the pellets were removed by doctors yesterday but two are still lodged in his skull,” Khatija, Suhail’s aunt, told The Quint at Ward No 7 of SMHS hospital in Srinagar.

Suhail, she said, went through one surgery in the badly damaged eye last night.

“Doctors told us it will require another surgery to find out if at all he can see with his eye again,” she said, sobbing in silence.

The left eye of Suhail Mir, 20, has suffered grave injuries due to pellets fired by J&K police personnel on a Muharram procession on the outskirts of Srinagar on Saturday.(Photo: Jehangir Ali/ The Quint)

On Saturday, 29 August, Suhail, a class 12 student, was one of the nearly 200 mourners who had taken out a procession on the ninth day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar, near Khomeni Chowk on the outskirts of Srinagar.


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