A four-member team from Women against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS), which visited Kashmir from September 23-28, has released an alarming report about the conditions in the Valley.
“There is always a threat of violence by the forces hanging over the heads of Kashmiris. The families are worried even if their sons go out to play as they are not sure their sons will return home. They are living in a constant state of fear as the personnel of the armed forces forcefully enter homes in the wee hours of the morning. Imagine what goes through the women in such situations. Today marks the 60th day of shutting down communication lines across the Valley,” highlighted Nandini Rao, an independent feminist activist and member of WSS.
The WSS team travelled across areas comprising districts of Srinagar, Shopian, Kupwara and Baramulla, speaking to several women and children to understand the conditions ever since the government blocked communication channels and sent in more armed forces into the region after the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5.https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/india/kashmiri-women-living-under-constant-threat-of-molestation-and-abuse-says-report