
If killing of black is racism why not killing of Kashmiris?

Srinagar, October 19 (KMS): In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Indian state terrorism continues to wreak havoc on the Kashmiris’ lives as no day passes without witnessing the killing of a few innocent youth at the hands of brutal Indian forces.

An analytical report released by Kashmir Media Service, today, referred to the ‘Black Lives Matter’ trend, triggered by just one incident of the killing of a black man by a white police officer in the United States, and deplored the silence of the international community over the loss of thousands of Kashmiri lives by communal forces of Modi-led fascist India.

“If killing of a black is racism what about Kashmiris, victims of Modi’s fascism and racism,” the report asked whether Kashmiris are not humans and their lives do not matter.

The KMS report made a mention of the stifling siege imposed by Indian Army in IIOJK on August 5, 2019, that has reduced the territory to the biggest prison of the world and questioned as to how long will Kashmiris face humiliation.

“Isn’t it time to come to their rescue,” the report asked adding that India must be clearly told that Kashmir is not its internal matter but a global issue and that all lives matter including black lives and lives of the Kashmiri people because ‘right to live” is applicable to all human beings including the humanity in occupied Kashmir.


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